**I wrote this article a year ago and never posted- but everything in here still holds true! Davie is now almost 14 months and I still absolutely swear by these! I highlighted in blue all of the things we are still using!** We’re 3 months in and sweet little Davie and I are starting to […]
Tag: chronic illness
The Autoimmune Flare Trifecta: COVID, Mastitis, and Aunt Flo
Lots of sleep has been lost this week trying to silence my autoimmune-brain mid-flare, but I’m trying to give myself constant reminders that this will pass, and a flare isn’t forever.
Sharing my Birth Story: My First Video Blog!
I knew ankylosing spondylitis would play a role in my labor and delivery, but I had no idea exactly what that role would be (and unfortunately, neither did anyone on my medical team!). Check out the video below to hear my entire labor and delivery story (and CLICK HERE to read my previous post about […]
My Pregnancy Journey
Early 2021 My husband and I have always known we wanted to have kids. As we reached a point in life where we started seriously thinking about starting a family, how my ankylosing spondylitis would impact us became a frequent conversation. Knowing that there is a good chance of passing on my AS, I felt […]
Love, at it’s purest form, is unconditional
Anyone who follows me on Instagram (@life_a.s_erin) has seen me posting recently about having pain in my wrists and elbows, and my trials with Prednisone. I’ve been trying to really rest and give my joints a chance to heal, so I’ve been a little MIA from my blog. Since the #100outof100 hashtag has gone viral […]
11 ‘Must-Haves’ if you Live with Chronic Illness
Life with a chronic illness is full of ups and downs. Some days you might feel like you can run a marathon, and others you can barely get out of bed. Here are 11 of my favorite things for navigating life with Ankylosing Spondylitis π Roomba– We all love to have a clean home, but […]
The Treatment Dilemma: How I chose to Give Humira a Chance
“Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacter that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infection. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side […]
If you think you’re tired of listening to me talk about my chronic illness, just imagine how tired I am of having it.
10 Things I want to tell people about chronic illness REPOST: I wrote this list a year ago and shared in on Instagram, and it still resonates so much that I thought it was the perfect piece to launch my blog π I have a feeling that all of us with chronic illnesses feel the […]
Anky…spondy…what-y? My Journey to a Diagnosis
I have always been an athlete- soccer, softball, running, basketball, and in college I played rugby. I loved it, but would be completely lying if I said I didn’t take a bit of a beating. I started to have pain in my hips unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was on and off of […]